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This school year in student ministry we have made a small change. Our teaching on Wednesday nights has not changed. Our main theme for this school year is Bearing Fruit, how we bear fruit and what should come out of our lives when we do. What has changed is our schedule. This year we have implemented event nights throughout the year. After each sermon series we are having an event night. The goal of these nights is for our students to invite their friends with the intention of inviting them back the next week. With these nights we will have fun but the next week we are intentional about sharing the Gospel with our new friends. 

This semester we have already had one event night. That means we have gone through one sermon series where we laid the foundation for the rest of the year. We learned what it means to bear fruit. At the end of our series we had our first event night where we saw six guests. God is good. As your student minister I am excited for what God is doing in the life of our student ministry.