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We say “YES!” to VBS! Why? Because it’s worth it! Why is it worth it? In his book, It’s Worth It, Landry Holmes lists a number of reasons why VBS is “worth it” for kids. Let’s look at just a few of them.

VBS is worth it because VBS connects kids with Jesus! VBS is unique because churches have used it for generations to share the unchanging gospel of Jesus with children and that hasn’t changed. Even today, VBS is one of the greatest evangelical tools we have! And that is good news because research is telling us that Gen Z is open to faith-based information. Kids today are wired to absorb information so let’s share the gospel with them this summer in VBS!

VBS is worth it because VBS connects kids with the Bible. Yes, the songs are catchy, the games are fun, and the crafts are cool, but there is a reason why we call it Vacation BIBLE School. Throughout each day of VBS, children are connected with the Bible. They are taught that the Bible is their source for truth, their guide for life, and their love letter from God through Jesus. Did you know that the number one predictor of spiritual health in young adults is childhood Bible reading? Let’s connect children to the Bible this summer and equip them to grow into spiritually healthy adults.

VBS is worth it because VBS connects kids with adults. According to Lifeway’s Nothing Less research, one of the 15 influencers of an individual’s spiritual health is the connections a child makes “with several adults at church who intentionally invested in them.” In Lifeway’s most recent research, they discovered that among American adults who attended VBS growing up, 30 percent indicated learning from teachers and volunteers is one of their strongest memories of VBS. Let’s not underestimate the value of children and adults connecting at VBS. Do you remember what Jesus said in Mark 10:14? “Let the little children come to me. Don’t stop them because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” You may think that what you have to offer during VBS is small and unimportant, but I can tell you that for a child, it is very valuable. Will YOU be an adult who is willing to make a connection with a child this June at VBS? That connection could quite literally change their life!

Join us June 3-6 for Breaker Rock Beach VBS 2024! We will have classes for infants through Senior Adults.  Everything you need to know will be taught to you and provided for you. Will you volunteer to serve during this Kingdom Legacy event? Join us for training on Sunday, May 5, at 5:00pm in the Commons Area. I promise you, you will be blessed, even as you influence the lives of others with the gospel of Jesus! See you there!