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Most of us know what VBS is – Vacation Bible School… And most of us know it’s been around a long time…But do we really know its history?

The origins of VBS began in New York City’s streets in 1898. Mrs. Virginia Hawes noticed that when schools let out for the summer, “the streets and open squares in a near section of the East Side swarmed with idle and sometimes unruly children.” Hawes decided that something needed to be done so she began the first Daily Vacation Bible School where she offered Bible stories and great kindness.  Children sang hymns, made crafts, memorized long passages of scripture and studied the Bible together. Hawes wrote of the pupils in 1900, “They often surprised us by questions about Scriptures that showed they understood and reasoned about the Word of God. A great many questions were asked about living the Christian life and trying to do His will.”

From the early days of VBS, the gospel has been foundational and available to people of all nationalities. Dr. Robert Boville continued the evangelistic tradition of VBS in 1901 when he launched a VBS movement, first nationally and then internationally. By 1916, VBS was “accepted as one of the established, most blessed means of sowing the gospel seed in places where otherwise it might never fall.”

At first vacation Bible schools were interdenominational, but in the 1920’s most denominations became invested in VBS work. In 1922, a young pastor in Georgia, Homer Grice, decided to hold their first VBS in their new education building. In 1924, Lifeway, then known as the Baptist Sunday School Board, made Grice a job offer. Grice became Lifeway’s first VBS curriculum producer with only a desk and a chair. He hired writers, developed curriculum and set to work. Grice said the Holy Spirit inspired him with a vision for VBS to reach the multitudes. From there, VBS became a force used by God each summer to reach thousands upon thousands of children for Jesus!

Through the years, Vacation Bible School has continued to bring the gospel to children all over the world. Many of those children have put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ and have grown up to become Godly men and women who follow Jesus as adults. Virginia Hawes, Homer Grice, and many other godly people like them have served through VBS to evangelize millions.

Vacation Bible School continues to be used today to reach children, teens and adults with the gospel of Jesus Christ. As we prepare for Breaker Rock Beach in 6 weeks, let us not forget the rich history of VBS. Let’s focus on the gospel of Jesus and allow this Kingdom Legacy event to be a huge evangelistic event for our summer!