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Psalm 139 is a great passage that points to the “omnis” of God. The omniscience of God can be seen in verse 1-6 that reveals that God knows everything. The omnipresence of God is seen in verses 7-12 and reveal that God is everywhere. The omnipotence of God in verses 13 -18 show us that God can do anything. Each of the “omnis” show us just how big God is. How big you see God has a lot to do with the size of your faith in God! In a world full of chaos our faith gets tested repeatedly. If for some reason we believe that the situations around us are too big for God, we need to adjust our view of God. One of my favorite sayings about God is that He wastes nothing. Nothing is wasted because He knows everything. The focus of this blog is on the omniscience of God because nothing is outside of God’s knowledge. A.W. Tozer in his classic The Knowledge of the Holy writes, “To say that God is omniscient is to say that He possesses perfect knowledge and therefore has no need to learn. But it is more: it is to say that God has never learned and cannot learn.” A God that cannot learn is a God with full and perfect knowledge. He knows the future and because we do not, we must  place our faith in the God who has already seen tomorrow.

David is overwhelmed by the knowledge of God in Psalm 139. He says that God’s knowledge is too high, cannot be attained, and is so amazingly wonderful. One of the main reasons that it is so wonderful is because God know us better than we know ourselves and yet still chooses to love us. Think about that for a minute. He knows your heart, your thoughts, and all your secrets, and still loves us. I am blown away by the simple thought of how God with perfect knowledge loves such an imperfect person. I do not deserve that love, which shows me just how big God’s love is. Scriptures reminds us that nothing can separate us from the love of God. His love is so big and yet His knowledge of us does not get in the way. If we can move beyond this amazing love that has full knowledge of us, we also know that God’s knowledge of the future should cause us to trust Him even more. Since God knows every tomorrow, our trust in Him needs to grow bigger each day. Every day we wake up, we can know that God knows everything that will happen that day, and the more we seek Him the more we see His hand guiding us. Each day when we go to sleep, we can trust His knowledge for the next day.

I want to believe in a big God who knows everything about me and still loves me because a God with that knowledge can be fully trusted with every one of my tomorrows.